+20 Text Message Templates for Lead Management in the Restaurant and Hospitality Industries
The service and hospitality industries have a lot to gain from adopting automation for communicating with customers or guests. There is an expectation for any quality establishment to have timely and clear messaging about availability, bookings, payments and more. It alleviates pressures on staff while ensuring patrons get the information they need in a manner that suggests a well-run and efficient establishment.
Just about everybody uses a cell phone these days. In fact, Statista puts the number of active mobile devices in the world at nearly 16 billion, which is roughly two for every person on the planet. What’s more, users take them everywhere and research from SMS Comparison shows that 95% of SMS messages are read and responded to within the first three minutes, and that nine out of ten people prefer to receive a text to a phone call.
This means that your patrons are most likely to be responsive on mobile, especially if they’re traveling, and that text messaging is likely their channel of choice. Now consider how you can put it to use to streamline your business processes to create a seamless experience for your guests or customers.
This is a primer in auto reply messaging that will help you make the most of text messaging in your establishment, impress your patrons and encourage them to return.
Restaurant Text Message Templates
Any bar, cafe, restaurant, hotel or similar business needs to make a great first impression, so it’s a good idea to personalize messages to prospective customers or guests. Use the template below to introduce your establishment.
Hello [prospect first name]. It’s [your first name] from [your establishment’s name]. Feel free to text me with any questions you have about what we can offer and how can best serve you. Always here to help!Copy To Clipboard
Follow-up introduction texts
Hi [prospect first name]. This is [your first name] from [your establishment’s name] Please let me know if there’s anything more you’d like to know. You can call or text me on this number. Have a great day!Copy To Clipboard
Good morning [prospect first name]. This is [your first name] from [your establishment’s name] we spoke recently about our establishment. Please don’t forget about us!Copy To Clipboard
Learn how to setup an automated restaurant introduction SMS with GoCRM.
Restaurant Booking SMS Templates
Booking confirmed template
Once a guest or customer has made an online reservation, contact them to thank them and confirm the reservation’s date and time.
Hey [prospect name], thank you for making a booking at [your establishment’s name]. We looking forward to hosting you on [booking date] at [booking time].Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], your booking for [booking date] at [booking time] is confirmed! We’ll see you then.Copy To Clipboard
Booking reminder template
Hi [prospect name], your booking at [your establishment’s name] is getting close and we just wanted to remind you. We look forward to seeing you on [booking date] at [booking time].Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], this is to remind you of your booking at [your establishment’s name] on [booking date] at [booking time]. We look forward to welcoming you!Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], we just wanted to remind you of your reservation at [your establishment’s name] on [booking date] at [booking time]. See you then!Copy To Clipboard
Booking cancelled template
Hi [prospect name], this is to confirm that your booking at [your establishment’s name] for [booking date] at [booking time] has been cancelled. We hope to see you another time.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], you booking at [your establishment’s name] for [booking date] at [booking time] has been cancelled. We hope to hear from you again soon.Copy To Clipboard
Restaurant Welcome SMS Templates
When guests first arrive, it’s a good idea to make contact and welcome them. This will also open a line of communication to make it easier for them to get in touch if there’s anything they require.
Welcome to [your establishment’s name], [prospect name]. We hope you enjoy your time with us. If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can call or text on this number.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], my name is [host name] and I wanted to welcome to you to [your establishment’s name]. If there’s anything you need I will be happy to help, so please reach out on this number. I hope you enjoy your time with us.Copy To Clipboard
Restaurant Post-visit Follow-up SMS Templates
After a booking/event, you can make contact to see that everything was satisfactory so that any complaints can be quickly addressed.
Hi [prospect name], I hope you enjoyed your time at [your establishment’s name] and that everything was satisfactory. Please let us how you found the experience.]Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], thank you for choosing us. We hope everything was to your satisfaction. Please feel free to tell us what you thought about your experience with [your establishment’s name].Copy To Clipboard
Hello [prospect name], unfortunately your time with us has come to an end but we hope you’ll be back soon. Please let us know what you enjoyed most and if there’s anything we can improve. Thank you.Copy To Clipboard
Review template
After a visit, make contact to encourage customers to write a review of your establishment on your preferred platform.
Hi [prospect name]! We hope you enjoyed your time with us as much as we enjoyed hosting you. Would you mind leaving a review for us on [platform link]? We would really appreciate it. Thank you!]Copy To Clipboard
Hello [prospect name], thank you so much for choosing [your establishment’s name]. We hope you enjoyed it and it would be great if you left us a review on [platform link]. Thank you!]Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], it was great to have you with us on [booking date], we hope you enjoyed it. It would mean a lot to us if you took a moment to write us a review on [platform link]. Thank you!Copy To Clipboard
Re-engagement template / Season / Event reminder templates
After some time has passed, make contact with previous customers to remind them of the good time they had at your establishment.
Hi [prospect name], it’s been a long time since we last saw you at [your establishment’s name]. We look forward to hosting you again so please keep us in mind next time you’re in our neighborhood.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], this is [your name] from [your establishment’s name]. It’s been a long time since we saw you and I just wanted to say hi and tell you that we’re looking forward to hosting you again some time.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], it’s been a long time since we last saw you at [your establishment’s name]. We hope to see you again during the upcoming [restaurant & hospitality expo event/holiday season].Copy To Clipboard
Reopening after COVID-19
Keep guests and customers in the loop about COVID-19 restrictions and opening times.
Good news [prospect name], we’re opening for dine-in from [date] and we’re now accepting bookings with COVID-19 guidelines observed. Call [number] or visit [URL] for more info.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [name], with the further lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, [your establishment’s name] will be accommodating additional bookings from [date]. Call [number] or visit [URL] for more info.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect name], in line with new COVID-19 restrictions, [your establishment’s name] will only be operating from [day of the week] to [day of the week] between [opening time] and [closing time]. We apologise for any inconvenience and will keep you updated on any changes.Copy To Clipboard
User guidelines
The service and hospitality industries are fiercely competitive. Any establishment can offer a polished, efficient, and customer-centric service that makes patrons feel welcome and well-cared for is sure to have an edge on its competitors.
With GoCRM, our CRM solution for hotel and restaurants that comes with VOIP SMS capabilities, you gain access to these templates to reach prospective guests and customers with personalized messages.
Request a trial today to get started!