GoCRM allows you to automate text messages so that your potential clients receive a personalized greeting from you the moment they come into contact with your company. This is your chance to entice them in with a compelling introduction message and make a positive first impression.

Send SMS
You must first create a segment before you can begin sending text messages. The segment represents the target audience (to whom you’ll be speaking). To avoid bounced messages or unresponsive leads, we recommend filtering out contacts without a phone number.
Contact Phone is not empty
The following steps must be included in your automation.
How it works: Create an automated text message to send to leads after they sign up for your communications. Pay close attention to how you introduce yourself; you must be able to engage contacts, maintain a professional tone, and provide useful information while remaining within the 140-character limit.
Hello [prospect first name]. It’s [your first name] from [your establishment’s name]. Feel free to text me with any questions you have about what we can offer and how can best serve you. Always here to help!Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect first name]. This is [your first name] from [your establishment’s name] Please let me know if there’s anything more you’d like to know. You can call or text me on this number. Have a great day!Copy To Clipboard
Good morning [prospect first name]. This is [your first name] from [your establishment’s name] we spoke recently about our establishment. Please don’t forget about us!Copy To Clipboard