20 SMS Message Examples for all Stages in the Home Building Industry
These days it’s crucial to go above and beyond your clients’ expectations in the home building industry. The best way to do that is to ensure clear and effective lead management with your client from the very first point of contact through to project completion and beyond. We can help you do that, with automated SMS messaging for home builders and a winning set of templates.
Why use text?
Good, effective communication is the key to preserving client relationships in the home building industry, and chances are your customers would prefer to be reached via text. A study by GSMA found that 67% of those surveyed preferred SMS or instant messaging to communicate with a business about appointments and scheduling, as opposed to email or phone calls.
Mobile Monkey puts the open rate for SMS messages as high as 98% as opposed to email’s meagre 20%. What’s more, millennials – a key target demographic for home builders – tend to open and read text messages very quickly, an average of 90 seconds, to be exact. That means your messages are more likely to be read and responded to in a timely manner.
Here are some effective message templates that home builders can use for smooth messaging from prospect to post-project review.
Home building SMS templates
Engage with potential clients
Make contact with new prospects to entice them to choose your business for their dream home.
Hi [prospect’s first name]. This is [your first name] from [your company name]. We spoke in the past weeks about your dream home. Please keep us in mind for your building plans.Copy To Clipboard
Hey [prospect’s first name], there’s a lot to consider when choosing a company to build your dream home. Let’s chat about how we can make it happen. Please give me, [your first name], a call or reply to this number.Copy To Clipboard
Arrange meetings with prospects and new clients
Once a client is keen to meet to discuss plans, use text messages to arrange the meeting.
Hi [prospect’s first name], this is [your first name] from [your company name]. I’d love to sit down with you to discuss the building plans for your new home. When would be a suitable day and time for you?Copy To Clipboard
Hi [prospect’s first name], this is [your first name] from [your company name]. Are you available on [date] at [time] to talk about the plans for your new home? Then we can start making this happen!Copy To Clipboard
Arrange meeting with existing clients
Hi [client’s name], it’s [your first name] from [your company name]. I need to sit down with you to discuss the project. Please propose a suitable day and time.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [client’s name], it’s [your first name] from [your company name]. I’d like to meet with you in person to discuss your home build. Are you available on [date] at [time]? Thanks.Copy To Clipboard
Meeting reschedule
Meetings invariably need to be moved, postponed or cancelled so be sure to communicate effectively around such issues.
Hi [client’s first name] it’s [your first name] from [your company name]. I’m very sorry but due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to reschedule our meeting. Would [date] at [time] suit you?Copy To Clipboard
Follow up with new clients
Once a construction project has been initiated, make contact to establish a line of communication via text (if you haven’t done so already).
Hello [client’s first name]. It’s [your first name] from [your company name]. I wanted to let you know that you’re free to text me with any questions you have about the new home construction process. Always here to help!Copy To Clipboard
Hi [client’s first name], it’s [your first name] from [your company name]. You can reach me on this number throughout the project and I’m always happy to assist. Have a great day.Copy To Clipboard
Let clients know you’re available after an earlier introduction has been made.
Hi [client’s first name] it’s [your first name] here. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the home construction process. I’m always happy to help. You can call or text me on this number. Have a great day!Copy To Clipboard
Hi [client’s first name], I just wanted to let you know that I’m available to answer any questions you may have at any stage of the project so feel free to reach out on this number.Copy To Clipboard
Check-in on current clients
Remind existing customers that you’re easy to reach should they have any queries or concerns.
Hey [client’s first name]! This is [your first name] from [your company name]. I’m just checking up to see if you need any assistance on your new home construction process. Keep me posted!Copy To Clipboard
Hey [client’s first name], I’m just checking in to see if you’re happy with everything so far and if there’s any way I can be of assistance. Please let me know.Copy To Clipboard
After a meeting
Send a message after a meeting to thank a client for their time.
Hi [client’s first name], I really appreciate you taking the time to chat with me today. Take care.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [client’s first name], thank you for a productive meeting, I really appreciate you taking the time to chat with us. Until next time.Copy To Clipboard
Connect with current clients on an urgent decision
Sometimes a matter can’t wait and a text message can let them know you’re trying to reach them.
Hi [client’s first name], something urgent has come up and I need to speak to you right away. Please contact me as soon as you can.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [client’s first name], please call me as soon as you can. There’s an urgent matter I’d like to discuss. Thanks.Copy To Clipboard
Request a review
Once a project has been completed, see if clients are satisfied and if they’d be willing to write a review on your preferred platform.
Hi [client’s first name], we are so glad to have been able to build your family’s new home. I hope you have many happy years there. We’d really appreciate it if you wrote us a short review on [platform] – thank you!Copy To Clipboard
Hi [client’s first name], I just wanted to say that it was great making your dream home a reality. Thank you for choosing to work with [your company’s name]. Please write us a review on [platform name] – thank you!Copy To Clipboard
Boost your network
Contact old clients and others on your database to scout for new opportunities.
Hi [prospect first name], this is [your first name] from [your company name] – remember us? If you know of anyone looking to build their name, please keep us in mind. Thanks.Copy To Clipboard
User guidelines
Competition among home builders is high, so a good reputation is invaluable. Automated messages can help you deliver the standard of communication that today’s customers expect.
GoCRM can help you make the most of automation with templates like these and plenty more. Our CRM solution for home builders with VOIP SMS capabilities and templates could prove to be the game-changer for your business needs.
So, get started by requesting a trial today!