Text Message Responder Templates for Physical Therapy Clinics
Every industry has been impacted by the proliferation of new technologies, and physical therapy clinics are no different. Patients have become accustomed to the slick, seamless communications offered by retailers and other services, including other healthcare clinics. They now expect that same sort of experience wherever they go.
So what is the best way to communicate with your patients? There are several options, but there’s no need to overcomplicate it. Chances are all your patients use cell phones. According to Mobile Monkey, the open rate for SMS messages is a whopping 98% compared to just 20% for email, and 83% of millennials open an SMS within 90 seconds of receiving it. Crucially, 67% of those surveyed said they preferred to receive text messages about appointments and scheduling rather than phone calls and emails.
That means your patients are most likely to see and respond to your communications if you opt for text-based messaging, and it can be automated to save you time and money. Give your patients an experience that outshines the rest, help them to stay on track, reach new patients and earn their loyalty.
Below auto reply text messages demonstrate how GoCRM can help your physical therapy business make the most of text communications.
Introductory template
Make a good first impression with a new prospective patient with a friendly introduction and a word of encouragement.
Hello [patient first name]. It’s [your first name] from [name of your practice]. Feel free to text me with any questions you have about our physical therapy services. We’d love to help!Copy To Clipboard
Hello [patient first name]. For high-quality physical therapy, you can count on [name of your practice]. Contact me with any questions you have. We’re here to help!Copy To Clipboard
PT Appointment Templates
Welcome templates
Hi [patient first name]. This is [your first name] from [name of your practice]. Please let me know if there’s anything more you’d like to know. You can call or text me on this number. Have a great day!Copy To Clipboard
Good morning [patient first name]. This is [your first name] from [name of your practice] – we spoke recently about our practice. Look no further for any physical therapy needs!Copy To Clipboard
Appointment confirmed
After a patient has scheduled an appointment, thank them and confirm the date and time of the appointment via text message so that they can refer to it later.
Hey [patient name], thank you for making an appointment at [name of your practice]. We look forward to seeing you on [booking date] at [booking time].Copy To Clipboard
Hi [patient name], this is [your name] from [name of your practice]. Your booking for [booking date] at [booking time] is confirmed! We’ll see you then.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [patient name], your appointment at [name of your practice] is confirmed. We’ll see you on [booking date] at [booking time].Copy To Clipboard
Appointment reminder
Hi [patient name], your appointment at [name of your practice] is getting close, and we just wanted to remind you. We look forward to seeing you on [booking date] at [booking time].Copy To Clipboard
Hi [patient name], this is to remind you of your appointment at [name of your practice] on [booking date] at [booking time]. We look forward to welcoming you!Copy To Clipboard
Hi [patient name], just want to remind you of your appointment at [name of your practice] tomorrow at [booking time]. See you then.Copy To Clipboard
Appointment cancelled
Hi [patient name], this is to confirm that your appointment at [name of your practice] for [booking date] at [booking time] has been cancelled. We hope to see you another time.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [patient name], your appointment at [name of your practice] for [booking date] at [booking time] has been cancelled. Please keep us in mind in the future.Copy To Clipboard
Running late message
If you’re running behind schedule, use these message templates to postpone an appointment and be sure to apologize for any inconvenience.
Hi [patient name], unfortunately [name of your practice] is running behind schedule and your appointment has been moved to [booking time] on [booking date]. Please call to arrange another appointment if this doesn’t suit you. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.Copy To Clipboard
Sincere apologies [patient name], due to unforeseen circumstances we’ve had to move your appointment to [booking time] on [booking date]. Please call to arrange another appointment if this doesn’t suit you.Copy To Clipboard
Post-visit templates for PTs
Visit follow-up
Following an appointment, you can make contact to see check on the patient and see if they have any follow-up questions.
Hi [patient name], this is [your name] from [name of your practice], I hope your appointment went well and that we were able to help. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can call me on this number.Copy To Clipboard
Hello [patient name], we just wanted to check if you had any questions following your appointment at [name of your practice] – you can call on this number. We wish you a speedy recovery.Copy To Clipboard
Review request
After a visit, make contact to encourage patients to write a review of your practice on your preferred platform.
Hi [patient name]! We hope you have seen some positive results following your physical therapy at our practice. Would you mind leaving a review for us on [platform link]? We would really appreciate it. Thank you!]Copy To Clipboard
Hello [patient name], thank you so much for choosing [name of your practice]. We hope you’re in better shape now, and we would really appreciate it if you left us a review: [platform link]. Thank you!]Copy To Clipboard
Re-engagement/checkup template
After some time has passed, make contact with previous patients to see how they are and offer assistance.
Hi [patient name], this is [name] from [name of your practice]. It’s been a while since we last saw you, and I was just wondering how you are. Please let me know if there’s anything you need.Copy To Clipboard
Hi [patient name], I hope you’re well. It’s been a long time since we saw you at [name of your practice] and I just wanted to check in. Please get in touch if we can help.Copy To Clipboard
User guidelines
Physical therapy services are in a competitive space, so it pays to offer a polished and professional experience. Your patients will spread the word and help your business to grow.
GoCRM is committed to helping businesses like yours succeed at what they do best. Try our CRM solution for physical therapy services with VoIP SMS capabilities and templates to help you connect with patients in a personalized way.
To get started, request a demo today!