20 Text Message Templates For All Stages in the Mortgage Lending Sales Process
No doubt about it- the mortgage industry is not where it used to be largely due to the proliferation of new digital technologies. Today’s homebuyers expect the same level of experience they get from large brands such as Amazon, Airbnb, Uber, among others. Whether it’s reaching out to them for the first time or communicating with them during the loan approval process, homebuyers expect the level of communication to be top-notch, timely and convenient.
So, the big question is- what is the best way of communicating with prospective homebuyers in today’s complex mortgage market?
Data from a survey of more than 500 consumers and more than 350 sales professionals showed nearly 80 percent of consumers prefer texting as it speeds up the sales process while close to 90 percent of sales professionals plan to increase their use of text messaging over the next four years. Additionally, the study found out that consumers respond faster to text compared to any other form of communication channel; in fact, more than 300 consumers who took part in the survey said they respond to a text message within 10 minutes.
The implication here is once a prospective homebuyer submits an inquiry on your website a mortgage lender needs to adopt the best-in-class text messaging strategies which will ensure they provide prospects with a seamless home buying journey.
Through this primer we want to show you how GoCRM can help you get the most out of texting prospective homebuyers using eight sales text message scenarios that come with follow-up text formats. You will be able to increase your prospects conversion rates and move them down the sales funnel much faster.
Text Message Templates Index
Introductory Templates ˄
As a mortgage lender you have to ensure that you personalize your text messages when introducing yourself for the first time to prospects. Use this template to introduce yourself.
Hello [prospect first name]. It’s [your first name] from [your company name]. I wanted to let you know that you’re free to text me with any questions you have about the home loan buying process. Always here to help!
Follow-Up texts:
Deliver value and introduce yourself.
Hi [prospect first name]. This is [your first name] from [your company name] Please let me know if you need help with your credit score. I’d love to be of help. You can call, text me on this number. Have a great day!
Good morning [prospect first name]. This is [your first name] from [your company name] we spoke in the past weeks about your pre-qualification on a home loan. Please don’t forget about us!
Learn how to setup an automated mortgage introduction SMS with GoCRM.
Relationship Building Templates ˄
This template will enable you to build stronger and more personal relationships with realtors such that they will be able to easily send prospects your way.
Hey [realtor first name]. I saw that you recently attended (real estate expo event name). How was the event?
Follow-up texts:
Good morning [realtor first name]. Don’t forget about us this weekend! We’re here to assist you with any other mortgage questions!
Hello [realtor first name]! Rates are at their lowest in years. Do you have anyone who is interested in buying a new home? Feel free to reach out!
Lead Nurturing Template ˄
Once realtors send you prospects or you’ve acquired them on your own ensure that you provide them with value. Use this text template to reach out to them.
Hey [prospect first name]. [realtor/agent first name] asked us to help you with the home loan buying process and get you pre-approved to buy a home. When is a good time to talk?
Follow-up texts:
Hey [prospect first name]! This is [your first name] from [your company name] Just checking up to see if you need any assistance on your home loan buying process! Keep me posted! Thanks again!
Hello [prospect’s first name]. Thanks for your message. I need some documents from you. Will you be available to touch base next week?
Meeting Scheduling Template ˄
When you think it’s the right time to have a conversation (via a phone call, video chat, or meeting) with a prospective homebuyer who has shown some interest in your services then this template can be a good choice.
Hey [prospect first name], I saw you liked our services and even asked us to help you get pre-approved to buy a home. When is a good time to talk?
Follow-up texts:
Hi [prospect first name], I’ve been having a hard time getting a hold of you on the phone. Do you have 15 minutes tomorrow afternoon to discuss the pre-approval process? Let me know what time you’ll be free. Thanks!
Meeting Follow Up Template ˄
You can use this text message template to follow up after the meeting and, hence keep the conversation going.
Hey [prospect first name]. It’s [your first name] from [your company name]. I appreciate so much for taking the time to chat with me today. Thank you!
Follow-up texts:
Hello [prospect first name]! Thanks for requesting a pre-approval consult for your home. Feel free to give us a call to get started. We’re happy to help. Thanks!
Pre-approval Status Template ˄
This text template will help show prospects where they are in their loan application process. You will also be able to ask for missing documents and even request for their signatures.
Hi [prospect first name]! Thank you so much for submitting your application. We are working on your file and will be in contact soon when it’s ready.
Follow-up texts:
Hey [prospect first name], we are missing some documents to issue you a pre-approval letter. You can email, or drop them by the office. Just text me in case of any questions. Thank you!
Hello [prospect first name], I just emailed you the documents requiring your signature. Please confirm that you received them. You need to sign them in order to proceed. Thank you!
Review Template ˄
This text template can help turn your existing clients into advocates. It will encourage them to leave a review on your website, social media channels, among other platforms.
Hello [prospect’s first name]! We are so happy to help you and your family get your new home. Would you mind leaving a review for us on [platform link]? We would really appreciate. Thank you!
Prospect Re-Engagement Template ˄
This template will come in handy in case prospects go cold.
Hey there [prospect’s first name]. Do you still need help with mortgage lending? I think we could work together to find a solution. Would you be open to chatting soon?
Follow Up texts:
Hello [prospect first name]. Looks like we keep missing each other! Still need help with the home loan buying process? I’d love to be of help. Thank you!
Good morning [prospect first name]! Interest rates are at their lowest in years. Still thinking about buying a new home? Feel free to reach out we talk through your options!
User Guidelines
The mortgage sector is a complex industry thanks to ever-changing consumer expectations. Homebuyers expect personalized messages that are tailored to their pain points. This means organizations need to make the most of text messages if they want to increase their prospect’s conversion rates.
We believe by leveraging GoCRM, our CRM Solution for mortgage lenders that comes with VOIP SMS capabilities, you will have access to the above-mentioned templates and as a result, reach prospective homebuyers with personalized messages.
Request a trial today to get started!